Well, we (and by we, I mean I) finally got around to updating our calendars. Wow! If you haven't checked in a while, be sure to stop by the events page for the full rundown. Now, we haven't started posting any events for the Fall just yet, but, don't worry, we will get them up soon so you can plan.
The big 2 for the Spring are the Schuhplattler Verein Heidengold and Bayern Verein Alpengrün dance on May 10th and the Germania Singers concert on May 15th. Both are sure to be tons of fun. Be sure to get your tickets early for the dance. As with all our events of late, you can purchase tickets online at Zeffy or you can do it the old fashioned way and call.
And, if you're interested in learning more about our clubs or just looking to socialize with some fun folk, head out for any one of our Stammtisch events. We travel around the County to various spots. So, we're sure to be at a place near you soon. Just look for the sign on the table, or if all else fails, the people having the BEST time (because that is always us!!)
Until next time, stay safe and warm. Tschüss!
